Jan Willy Skjølberg

tirsdag, oktober 09, 2007

if you...

...cant make prize-winning design or write a bestselling novel on this 24K and diamond Mac Book Pro - you have no talent what so ever. sell it and buy a ridiculously oversiezed 4x4 and go in search of taste.

mandag, september 03, 2007

as time goes by.

it has been monts since i posted anything here. the reasons are many; lack of inspiration, fixing up the flat and nothing to say thats not already been said. well, since i dabble with visual stuff every day and constantly looking for "a new look" i will use this post, at this time, to post a classic in both form, content and expression. i give you carravaggios "the Supper at Emmaus".

Oil on canvas. National Gallery, London

fredag, april 27, 2007

drink. dont drink.

artist: unkown to me.

tirsdag, mars 06, 2007

new link under "input and inspiration"

Nordic Design Network is an actively managed online catalogue for contemporary Nordic design, fashion and architecture. It forms an extensive contact network for design-oriented companies and designers within a wide range of areas.

your cup of tea?

well, one word: brilliant.

design by: rotem lahav from israel

my feeling at the moment

"the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price"

onsdag, februar 28, 2007

Storytelling is dead



tirsdag, februar 13, 2007

just a reminder

"It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic, Of all things physical and metaphysical, Of all things human and all things super-human, Of all true manifestations of the head, Of the heart, of the soul, That the life is recognizable in its expression, That form ever follows function. This is the law"

Louis Henri Sullivan

Random image form my life III

at the present time i am catching up on the greek classics on wednesdays and some saturdays and attending lectures on thursdays on realism and modernism. this is from the last lecture "greek architectural sculpure".

picture of "hercules". roman copy in marble after a greek bronze by lyssipus. found in the baths of caracalla
in Rome. museo archeologico nazionale, naples.

but there is a challenge - understanding my own notes when i read them back.

tirsdag, januar 30, 2007

Oh, so many things. so many thoughts

we are contantly bombarded with company logoes. some we pay attanetion to, some we ignore. details around the "why´s" i leave for this momant up to you. in any case, here you can read a little bit more about some of them. history is everything.

søndag, januar 28, 2007

random image from my life II

torsdag, januar 18, 2007

"The Red Crystal" approved

Sunday january 14th, the red crystal was approved as a emblem for protection by The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

I will not comment the symbol itself, but rather say something in general about our restless world. We have had conflicts since the beginning of time, and we will probably have conflicts until the end of it. This emblem gives me a sort of a reassurance that the "good guys" also will be here til the end of time.

Read more about the emblem debate on The International Red Cross´s pages.

I got this comment from "Anonymous" two days after the post:

Thank you for highlighting this poece of good news. As a spoilsport I cannot resist the temptation to offer a couple of small clarifications. The Red Crystal was not approved on 14 January, that was the date when the "Third Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions" was approved, which approved the new emblem. This protocol was adopted in December 2005, ratified first by Norway, and the by Switzerland - the latter on 14 July 2006. The Protocol itself stipulates that it comes into force 6 months after two States have ratified, hence the 14 Januar 2007.

Secondly, the reference to the "International Red Cross" is somewhat misleading. There are three bodies which might claim that name: "International Committee of the Red Cross" (ICRC), whose website you point to, the "International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies" (IFRC), which may be found at www.ifrc.org, and the Standing Comission of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Standing Commission) whose website is, if memory serves me right, www.standcom.info.

I offer these observations in the spirit of support and appreciation, not as a criticism. The Red Cross / Red Crescent has endured for more than 140 years, quite sufficient time to get complicated, and - boy - have we achieved that!