Jan Willy Skjølberg: to much time on your hands

tirsdag, august 29, 2006

to much time on your hands

firefox has a nice add-on called stumble. from time to time i flick through a couple of sites. the other day i came over this bloke, guy vlosich III, and his etch-a-sketch site. i did not know if i should be impressed or thank higher powers that i did not have to spend my schooldays in special classes. nevertheless, if you have 70 hours at your disposal, an etch-a-sketch and extreme hand/eye coordination, this is how it could turn out.

well, i decided to give it a go myself, on a borrowed pocket etch-a-sketch. here is the result after 10 minutes. you be the judge.

just out of curiosity i googled guy vlosich II and guy vlosich I. i came up blank.